“He challenges players and coaches to think differently, but gives real clarity to the roles required, both individually and collectively.”
Sir Ian McGeechan
I have known Shaun for 10 years and have coached with him at Premiership Club level (London Wasps) and International level (British Lions).
He is the best defence coach with whom I have ever worked.
He creates outstanding defence systems, not only because he understands defensive requirements, but because he has an excellent understanding of attack principles.
He challenges players and coaches to think differently, but gives real clarity to the roles required, both individually and collectively. He has, better than any other coach, married the best of Rugby League and Rugby Union.
He is also a natural motivator.
I have had some great discussions with him, about players and tactics which, without doubt, pushed forward my own tactical and technical thoughts.
Shaun has exciting ideas and very well thought out practices. All this comes from very honest discussion but leads to a very strong team direction.
He is very honest with players and coaches and he has the ability to read and assess players from which he gives them all the required support. The harder a player works, the more support Shaun gives him.
Shaun has a tremendous “rugby intelligence” from which I have seen many players benefit hugely. He will give any time that is required to make sure a player has the best opportunity to succeed.
His analysis of players and teams is thorough and astute and he communicates this with real clarity.
With Shaun you get total commitment, and he has always recognized that appreciating things done well and enjoying success is also very important.
He, more than any one, knows how much time and effort has to go into any success, that is why he has been associated with successful teams.
He is a person I trust totally, and whose company I have always enjoyed.

“Shaun is precise and knows exactly what he wants on the pitch. With his experience and his record, everyone listens ”
Antoine Dupont
France Rugby Captain
Matt Dawson MBE
World Cup Winner 2003
Having played professional rugby for 15 years I have naturally been under the tutelage of a few coaches but three will always be head and shoulders above the rest. Sir Ian McGeechan, Wayne Smith and Shaun Edwards had skills beyond all others mainly because of their unselfish dedication to make their players the best they can possibly be.
I joined Shaun at Wasps on the back of winning a World Cup so imagine how most coaches would have been. Accommodating, false praise or simply left to my own devices as I’d been there and done it. Not a chance with Shaun. His attention to detail about where my weaknesses were inspired me to play my best club rugby ever. The balance of carrot and stick was exactly what I needed as I aspired for more team success.
I loved the handling skills, the specific defence techniques for a scrum half as well as a view of the game from a man who just gets rugby. On and off the pitch!!
I never once questioned Shaun’s advice as I truly knew he had my best intentions at heart. If I delivered, he had delivered.

“The way he could read a game was like no other. ”
Jason Robinson OBE
Rugby World Cup Winner and Wigan Warriors teammate